
Training a T-learner in PySpark

from upliftml.models.pyspark import TLearnerEstimator
from upliftml.evaluation import estimate_and_plot_qini
from uplift.datasets import simulate_randomized_trial
from pyspark.ml.classification import LogisticRegression

# Read/generate the dataset and convert it to Spark if needed
df_pd = simulate_randomized_trial(n=2000, p=6, sigma=1.0, binary_outcome=True)
df_spark = spark.createDataFrame(df_pd)

# Split the data into train, validation, and test sets
df_train, df_val, df_test = df_spark.randomSplit([0.5, 0.25, 0.25])

# Preprocess the datasets (for implementation of get_features_vector, see the full example notebook)
num_features = [col for col in df_spark.columns if col.startswith('feature')]
cat_features = []
df_train_assembled = get_features_vector(df_train, num_features, cat_features)
df_val_assembled = get_features_vector(df_val, num_features, cat_features)
df_test_assembled = get_features_vector(df_test, num_features, cat_features)

# Build a two-model estimator
model = TLearnerEstimator(base_model_class=LogisticRegression,
                          base_model_params={'maxIter': 15},
model.fit(df_train_assembled, df_val_assembled)

# Apply the model to test data
df_test_eval = model.predict(df_test_assembled)

# Evaluate performance on the test set
qini_values, ax = estimate_and_plot_qini(df_test_eval)

For complete examples with more estimators and evaluation functions, see the demo notebooks in the examples folder.